How To Create Video Ads That Sell

Billy Gene Shaw

Billy Gene is one of the top online marketing influencers, educators, and practitioners    in the world. Through his one-of-a-kind online courses and Facebook livestreams, he is revolutionizing the education system by teaching important and necessary entrepreneurial skills that schools aren’t teaching.

People choose businesses marketing with video.


Video ads that sell follow a formula of entertaining, educating and executing. The number one role of videos ads is to create action. What creates action?

Emotions. What you say doesn’t matter as much as how your videos make your customers feel. Using music sources like and artlist. io, marketers can search for music based off of the emotion. When a viewer

watches a video with motivational music, they feel hopeful and excited. When they’re presented with an offer, they are excited to make the purchase. The last feeling a viewer should have after watching a video is that of inspiration because it is known to increase the chances of conversion.

Resistance. The emotion for the product or event has to be greater than the resistance. What is the trigger that breaks down the resistance to buying a product or engaging with a post?



Curiosity is the key to all advertising problems. Video ads that spark curiosity create major success. Billie Gene Shaw used this act of curiosity to get 10 million views on his advertisements promoting his coaching business. These videos can start with, “Hey, let me show you…” and delve into the emotional aspect of the advertisement.

There are three kinds of ads that can be made.


Display ads: A thumbnail from a video with some text.


Bumper ad: Unskippable ads playing before the video.

Stream ads: Play before a video and can be skipped after the first five



Stream ads are the most successful ads available. It’s hard to get adequate attention on display ads and bumper ads create the opposite effect a marketer wants. When a person watches an ad that they can’t skip, they become angry. Anger is now associated with the ad they are watching and the last thing they want to do is follow through on the call to action.


Catching the viewer’s attention by using the element of curiosity is key to a successful video ad. Place this ad in front of popular videos on Youtube

within the niche of the product. For example, an entrepreneurial ad should be placed in front of Gary Vaynerchuk’s latest Youtube video. A real estate ad is placed in front of HGTV’s Youtube channel.

Placing ads in front of the demographic they are targeted for has never been easier. What does the ideal customer watch? Depending on where they are spending their time, that’s where the advertisement should be.

If they spend their time on specific websites, place advertisements there. Showing entrepreneurial videos on Forbes and Entrepreneur not only creates views but it also grows credibility. Use the Google Display Planner tool to find the best websites for a specific search. For example, the search “how to start a business” shows websites like This website and the following options displayed are the best space to place an advertisement for small business owners.


The Google Keyword Planner tool generates the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is being searched. This information is extremely powerful in marketing. Knowing if a keyword is trending means that creating an advertisement using that word can impact the success of the video ad.

Creating an emotional ad and placing it in the right space are the first few steps of curating a successful video ad. Targeting that ad accurately is the next.

Youtube allows marketers to advertise to people on the platform based on gender, age, parental status, household income and more. The targeting becomes even more specific based on interests like sports and technology.


Facebook Insights provides the same level of specific targeting.


Creating video ads that sell involves answering these three questions:


  1. What popular videos can you advertise on?
  2. What specific websites can you advertise on?
  3. What is your ideal customer searching for?


Within the first five seconds of an ad, ask the viewer to solve their largest problem. The more specific the problem is to a niche, the more successful the advertisement will be. This question is followed by a demonstration of how their problem is going to be solved. The last part of the ad asks them to solve their problem by sharing their contact information.


Video ads have the potential to create millions of views and dollars in revenue. Their power is growing as the platforms that house them continue to interest the masses.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, focus on what works. People are choosing the businesses that advertise with videos. Establishing the emotion, removing resistance and curating advertisements designed for specific types of people is the key to video ads that sell.